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Saturday, February 12, 2011

How Brainwave Entrainment Technology Enhances Self-Healing Techniques For Better Living

For centuries now, people have been looking for holistic means of healing the body, the mind, and the spirit. While most ancient methods are based on seemingly unproven techniques, one fact that ancient luminaries got right is the fact that in most cases, healing can come from within.

We all have the ability within us to heal ourselves, be it our mind, our body, or our spirit. This self-healing ability lies deep within the most important part of our being: our subconscious mind. We may feel that we are consciously aware of our actions, but the truth is that it is our subconscious mind that drives us and every single action we make.

It is also the subconscious mind that is responsible for our state of being. Be it emotional or physical, every aspect of our life is greatly dependent on our subconscious mind. Thanks to modern technology, we now have the means to not only monitor, but alter our subconscious mind and how it operates. This technology is known simply as Brainwave Entrainment.

What exactly is Brainwave Entrainment? Before we can understand that specific term, we must first answer the question, “What are brainwaves?” Brainwaves are patterns of electrical activity within the brain, and they can be measured using an electroencephalogram (or EEG) machine to give an indication of a person’s mental state. Each state a person is in would yield different brainwave activity; for example when asleep, a person’s brainwaves would be shown to be at their least active, measuring only up to 4 cycles per second.

Brainwave entrainment makes use of Delta and Alpha frequencies to affect someone who is asleep. The healing process is begun when the two frequencies is then linked to both sides of the brain. This type of self-healing techniques is used by the medical science industry for a very long period and now it is even being introduced in the market. People can now access to those self-healing devices easily everywhere. The devices are specially designed to be portable, thus, making it convenient for people to carry around.

Brainwave entrainment self-healing techniques bring forth positive forces throughout the entire process. This technology can certainly aid in speeding up your recovery. Not trying to put down other types of self-healing techniques which have been spread around for decades, but those techniques are really time consuming and energy draining. In the current fast paced society, it is not feasible for people to follow the step by step guide of traditional self-healing techniques and that will be way too time-consuming. However, there is an alternative method to do so; that is by using brainwave entrainment technology which offers the same results in a shorter period.

Scientists have found out that the reason behind the accelerated healing is associated with the particular brainwave frequencies. They are still researching on ways stimulate those frequencies to enhance the healing process. By using the brainwave entrainment technology, frequencies like Alpha and Delta will be induced within the cortical hemispheres of your brain to stimulate the entire healing process.

Find out more about how brainwave entrainment technology will make a difference in your life at:


Make Money Online

Authority Job Killer is the latest offering from Joel Chue and Alvin Huang, who are considered to be among the best Internet Marketers out there. They already have some best selling products out there (Presell Secrets X for example) so they’re by no means newbies in the Internet Marketing product business.

So what exactly is Authority Job Killer?


Simply put, Authority Job Killer promises that you’ll be able to kill your day job and still make a fortune working from home. How? By creating for yourself a highly lucrative Internet business, of course. But what makes Authority Job Killer different than all the other Internet marketing products out there?

For starters, it’s far more detailed than any other IM products I’ve seen. Authority Job Killer doesn’t claim to reinvent the wheel, and even admits that some of the ideas may seem familiar to the readers, but what makes Authority Job Killer stand out is the fact that it elaborates on a lot of concepts that most products just give a brief glimpse of.

The way the content within the course is written, it’s clear that Authority Job Killer will benefit both beginners and veterans in the Internet marketing business. Joel and Alvin have gone all out to reveal everything you’ve ever needed to know about starting your own Internet business for almost no cost at all, and they’ve shared their knowledge in a variety of formats.

Authority Job Killer Manual (PDF)

Containing 52 pages of solid info, the Authority Job Killer manual is a treasure trove of insights and concepts that have made Joel and Alvin a ton of cash with their online businesses. There’s absolutely no fluff to be found anywhere, and practically every word is pure gold in terms of knowledge value. From the foundations of an online business to advanced strategies on scaling your business fast to 5 figures, Joel and Alvin leaves no stone unturned as they explain in great detail what an Internet marketer has to do in order to build a successful online empire.

Authority Job Killer Process Map (PDF)

The problem I had with the manual was that I would sometimes get lost in the details. For anyone with a short attention span (like myself) they would have a bit of trouble absorbing the detailed concepts and techniques in the manual. But worry not, Joel and Alvin have compiled all the details within the manual into a simple yet comprehensive process map, which you can use to retrace your steps if you ever lose your way as you implement the various strategies listed within the manual.

3 Authority Job Killer Videos (MP4 videos)

These are perhaps the best components in the entire course. If, again like me, you’re not someone who learns too well from reading, then the 3 Authority Job Killer videos will show you exactly what needs to be done every step of the way. Joel and Alvin show you which sites to go to and which resources to use by visiting these sites and guiding you along the way “live”. It’s the closest thing you can get to watching over their shoulders as they work.

For a “work-at-home” product, I’d say this is maybe one of the best I’ve seen on the market right now. Authority Job Killer is highly detailed, comprehensive, and doesn’t disappoint in delivering what it promises: to murder your day job and help you earn tons of cash.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Let's Feed The Birds

Winter is almost here. Birds are migrating to warmer climates and need extra food. They really stuff themselves now to have the extra energy needed to get where they are going.

Right now, mostly all I am seeing is Finches, Blue Jays, Sparrows and Cardinals. You need to know what species may be scouting for a place to feed and have shelter for the winter. They look for this in the Autumn so they will be in place when the cold weather comes.

You need to have a nest or Birdhouse to accommodate your birds in a safe manner. First, you need to place it securely in a place that would keep them safe from predators and the elements. Second, you need to cover all ventilaton holes with some kind of weather resistant tape to keep body heat in the nest. Sometimes if the house is large enough, several birds will nest together.

Make sure you have feeders for winter feeding such as Suet feeders. Other good food for cold weather are: peanuts, cracked corn, white millet, small chunks of fruit and safflower seeds. Wild birds need food high in fat and protein in the winter.

Lastly, try to have some form of water that will not freeze for the birds. You can purchase a Wiggler which makes the water move to keep it from freezing and also they have gagets to warm your birdbaths that are not to expensive.

If you love the birds, please help them survive and you will enjoy every minute you give to their care.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Amazing Hummingbirds, Have You Seen Them?

Who are these little birds who can fly in all directions, even upside down and backward? They are incredible little creatures that can steal your heart in a second. Hummingbirds buzz and hum their way thru our lives and when we take time to notice them, they leave their very own impression on us.
Hummingbirds are friendly and some can be fed by hand. They are easily attracted to your yard by flower beds or nectar feeders. They do better with a feeder with several feeding stations. This is because they can be very territorial and may get aggressive if other birds invade their territory. If you hang more than one feeder on your feeder pole, you should not hang a seed feeder or suet feeder beside a Hummingbird Feeder as some Hummingbirds do not like to feed beside other birds.
Hummingbird Feeders should be cleaned every week or no more than two. Try to buy a feeder easy to clean and make your own nectar to save expense. The birds will love the nectar you make just as much as the commerial type. Make sure the feeder has a opening large enough to fill easily. Keep any leftover nectar refrigerated.
This is just a little about Hummingbirds, there is a lot more to learn. Now I ask you, Have You Seen Them? If you have not, you are missing out on one of lifes' many pleasures. Start your Hummingbird experience today.

Monday, September 6, 2010

It's Time to Buy a Birdhouse and Feeder

It's Fall already. Have you thought about what the wild birds will do in the winter? A lot of them migrate to warmer places but some stay and need a place out of the weather.

First, you need to get a Birdhouse that will be what the birds you are attracting will need. Usually small birds will nest together. There could be 5 or 6 in a larger house. They do this to preserve body heat.  If you purchase or build more than one house, you need to place them away from each other as some birds will not nest near other birds.These homes need to be in a place that predators can not get to them and also protected from wind and elements. Also, make sure it is mounted securely. You can also put little piles of straw or brush around to help them line their nest.

Second, try to keep water (warm or moving) for the birds to drink as that will help attract them to your yard.
If you do put water out, you will need to continue to do so for they will remember and come back. If you do not have water or food as they remembered they will have to try to find another place to get refueled. Sometimes, that may take a while and some could die.

Third, you need to get a feeder that also is protected from the elements and predators. One of the best feeders in the winter months is a suet feeder. Suet feeders are usually a cage that holds one or two standard cakes. There are a lot of specialty suet cakes availabe. Some of the ingredients are: raisens,Cherries, nuts, bug parts, seed and saturated fats. They are great in the cold weather because they provide fat, protein and calories for the birds when their food supply is scarce.

If you have the means and time to do these things, just think of the birds you will be a part of saving this winter. What a great feeling!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Why Not Start A Wild Bird Backyard Experience?

Do you like to watch the wild birds in your backyard? I do and the reason is that I love to hear their beautiful sounds and watch their cute antics. This is good therapy for whatever is bothering you or just a good way to relax.
First you need to try to identify what species of birds you may attract. You can go online to research this or you may know yourself. After you find out which birds you may attract, go out and get a bird feeder or two and feed the birds. This is also a good way to be part of their survival.
Then you add a few bird houses or nests and watch them fly back and forth, especially when the have young ones. 
Make sure that watever you put up for the birds, that you make sure it is securely mounted , it is safe from predators and protected from the weather.
This is one of the most rewarding ventures you can get into because of the pleasure you will receive from watching the birs and the pleasures the birds will get from what you have lovingly provided for them.
Start your wild bird experience today!